Sound Frequencies

*Disclaimer, I am not a medical professional. By using this site, you understand that the information provided is for research or suggestions and should not be considered a substitute for competent medical care.
If you feel you have a medical emergency, contact your health care provider, go to an ER, or call 911 NOW!

Healing Tools

Repertoire of Sound
Based Tools

Whether you are looking to calm the kids, reset polarity, or work on specific conditions, these frequencies are a wonderful choice for supporting your body in HEALING ITSELF!

Trustworthy, effective, affordable (some even free!) #becauseenergyhealingwurks #selfhealing #healingsoundfrequencies #bachfloweressencesfrequences

Those who have a daily, weekly, or monthly paid subscription to my Daily Topic Based Group Sessions can access their player(s) through the link that should have been delivered through email or text messaging.

Some GUIDELINES for using the frequencies:

If you start a frequency but don't finish it, start back where you left off the next time you are able to listen. Now this shouldn't matter for an occasional time where you don't finish. But even if you were to decide to move to a different frequency, you can start from the beginning of the new one, but finish that entire one. Even if you have to leave it on while sleeping.

The player allows you to loop a single frequency within a playlist; start that frequency and then hit the loop button next to the individual frequency. (I've requested a loop button for the whole playlist, and the developers loved the idea. I'll let you know when that becomes available.)
For acute conditions, you may feel a difference quickly, but it may take 2 or even 3 plays before you notice significant changes. Keep playing the frequency until you feel your body is on a comfortable road to healing. For chronic health issues, playing the frequency regularly - while addressing any trapped emotions that may have caused or contributed to the condition is recommended.

Remember, to always #seekthecause of your condition. It's OK to use a frequency to support specific symptoms, but the deepest healing comes from eliminating (or healing) the CAUSE of the symptoms.

Daily Group Attendees get access to the Group frequencies with their paid plan (this also includes those who have access through the mentoring program or other course) or non-Group attendees can buy access to a single frequency or all or part of the library for a day, week or month!

Want to try out a frequency? You can access the FREE stuff by signing-up with the link below. Then, you can decide to buy a subscription and get access to the entire GROWING library for the same price as a single private visit.

*Have a friend that you think might be interested in these? Send them the link below. (Of course, sharing of accounts is not permitted.)

Ready to Purchase a Plan?

Plans:  4-Week Plans For UNLIMITED personal or immediate family use of the Full Library only $39 (subscription pricing, $44 for non-subcriber rate.)

You can add a Private Intuitive Session for 20-mins, 40-mins or 60-mins.

Or, remember if you have a 4-week subscription for the Daily Group Sessions, you can access the library at no additional charge. Just sign-up here for access.

You have 3 ways to gain access to the client portal and the healing frequencies:

Client Portal Access (Free! Includes Special Trial Frequencies Access)

Click to sign-up to gain access to the FREE client portal to schedule visits, message, and hear the latest free frequencies. $0

One-Month Full Healing Frequencies Library Access

Access to the full Healing Frequencies Library is here:

Subscription Price (automatically renews each month) $39

Or non auto-renewed pricing is $44 (You can renew it manually if you wish.)

Enjoy this growing library and you can even request frequencies!

Questions? Want to request a topic? Message us at 855-790-7560 or come to the FB page.
beth rice, RMT

Healing Wurks on FB